a bit about me:
I am an Assistant Teaching Professor for the Master of the Environment (MENV) program at the University of Colorado Boulder. I teach a variety of classes, including Scientific Basis for Environmental Change, GIS for Sustainability Professionals, and Communicating for Sustainability and Impact. I also engage in community-focused research on the topic of water literacy, and how our collective water-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors can help us adapt to changing climates and increasingly stressed water systems. I am fascinated by the numerous ways that water shapes the structure and identity of communities, and strongly believe that the key to water sustainability is interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and genuine community engagement.
I have worked and researched within many different facets of water management, including watershed protection and monitoring, water treatment and conservation, and community outreach and education. I also have worked in various locations around the world, from my home regions in Colorado and Massachusetts, to areas abroad in Australia and South Africa. These opportunities have taught me the value of collaboration and emphasized the importance of water within different social and cultural contexts.
my 5-minute poem
I am from freshly mowed grass and tidy gardens.
from rolling, green cow pastures.
from carefully raked heaps of leaves.
from snowy mountains and ski slopes.
I am from homemade pies with intricately latticed crusts.
from experimental perogies and blind milk tastings.
from lazy nights of instant ramen with eggs.
from pancake breakfasts and runny toad-in-a-holes.
I am from books about Mark Twain and trips to Jon & Ann’s Furniture, please hold.
from strong, independent women with many resources.
from living in the moment and faking it until I’ve made it.
from persevering on my climb of the mountain of success.
I am from the reliability and history of my childhood friends.
from the challenge and drive of my geography peers.
from the passion and support of the water ladies.
from the love, comfort, and safety of my lifelong partner.